Thursday, December 18, 2008

baby, it's cold outside!

"Winter Blast 2008" finally hit. And boy did it hit! It snowed all morning and into the afternoon. I think there are about 6 inches of snow on my balcony! I woke up today and got ready for work, admiring the beautiful snow falling outside and thinking how lucky all the kids who had school cancelled were, but not even thinking it would affect my day. Well, I was wrong!! I walked to the bus stop, waited for a bus with the rest of Queen Anne for about 45 minutes, and then gave up. I stopped at Metropolitan Market (for the first time) to pick up some supplies to make Christmas cookies and then stopped at the coffee shop for a latte, then I walked back to my apartment, taking some pictures along the way. When I got home, I turned on the Christmas music and started baking. I made two kinds of cookies and then decided to make a third, so it was back to Metropolitan Market (trip number two) for more ingredients! Everyone out and about was so friendly and it was like the whole neighborhood was sharing this crazy experience together. After making some more cookies, Megan came over and we walked back to Metropolitan Market (third, and last time) to get soup for dinner.

It was a perfect snow day, except I forgot to have grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. That's what my mom used to make for us when school was cancelled due to snow. I am so thankful for today!

1 comment:

Mama Bee Simple said...

wow i wish we had snow here! hardly ever does :(

love your blog
hope to hear from you,

Merry xmas ♥