Thursday, January 8, 2009

a trip to grandma and grandpa's

I flew to North Dakota for New Year’s to spend five days with my grandparents. It was a very special trip and a wonderful way to start 2009. I used to visit my grandparents every year, usually in the summer and usually for two or three weeks. I have made some wonderful memories in Jamestown – It is a very special place. I love how friendly everyone is and how everyone seems to know everyone.

This trip was very special because it was just me, Grandma and Grandpa – hanging out, going to lunch with friends, learning how to use the snow blower, cooking, baking, going through decorations, looking at pictures, telling stories and just being together. I got to go through some really old family photos that my Grandpa had and hear all kinds of stories about his days as a boxer and the many places he traveled during WWII. My Grandma and I organized boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations that she has collected over the years and she can remember just where and when she received each one – It’s amazing!

There was about four feet of snow on the ground and the temperature did not get above 10 degrees the whole time I was there, but we kept plenty busy. I am so thankful for the memories I made on this trip!!

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