Tuesday, March 3, 2009

a little reminder

I got lost yesterday afternoon. I was coming back into Seattle from my friend Megan’s grandma’s funeral. It was a beautiful service and I am happy I was able to attend and spend some time with her family. They are an amazing family with amazing spirit. I guess I was a little distracted and lost in my thoughts, because I took a wrong turn and ended up on another freeway that I have never been on before. Although I was really frustrated to be lost and have no idea where I was or where I was going and thinking about all I had to do that afternoon, it turned into a little blessing. I have been waiting and waiting for the cherry blossoms to bloom. I am ready for spring and some sunshine!! I always say that fall is my favorite season, and it really is, but I do like spring a lot too. I love all the pretty colors, especially the pink flowers on the cherry trees around UW. As I took another exit and tried to find a place to turn around, a little flash of pink caught my eye – the first cherry blossoms of the season!! I pulled over, grabbed my camera and took a couple pictures. There were only three blossoms on the whole tree, but they were so pretty. Getting lost was a little reminder that there is so much to be thankful for and that it is important to stop and notice the little things.

1 comment:

cabin schedule said...

All Who Wander Are Not Lost......Tolkien
Great Pictures!