Saturday, January 2, 2010

good bye 2009, hello 2010

2009 was a hard year. I can honestly say that. I was so lucky to be able to travel to Europe time with my family and spend one of the warmest summers Seattle has seen in a long time playing outside, but there were some tough lessons learned along the way. I lost my grandma, I lost my job. I miss my grandma every day. But I was so fortunate able to spend Christmas with my grandpa and tell him just how important he is to me. I have never felt more rejected than the day I found out I no longer had a place to call 'work'. But I spent my summer soul searching, and I found an amazing job that challenges me and motivates me. Sometimes, somehow the toughest things in life make us stronger and as I get older I am definitely learning this. I am looking forward to all that 2010 has to offer. I think things are beginning to fall together...

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